After Care Instructions
Solution Tattoo Removal

◙ In the first two hours after the procedure, gently and frequently pat the treated area with a clean dry tissue.

Days 1-10

◙ It is VERY IMPORTANT to keep the treated area dry during the first 10 days or until scabs are completely gone!
◙ Do not get the treated area wet!
◙ No facials, sauna, swimming, tanning
◙ No sport! Avoid activities that will cause you to sweat!
◙ When itchy do not scratch
◙ No makeup on treated area
◙ After 10 days or when scabs are completely gone you can use a very thin layer of Vaseline only if the area feels very dry

Full results in 45 days

Second session can be done no earlier then 45 days

3052A Brighton 1st St,
Brooklyn, New York 11235
402 & bell sign, 4th floor

+1 929 509 7745

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